Julianne Hough gets candid about her psychic abilities

Julianne Hough earlier admitted that she experienced 'consistent' supernatural abilities from 2017 to 2019

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Julianne Hough gets candid about her psychic abilities
 Julianne Hough gets candid about her psychic abilities

The Dancing With the Stars host Julianne Hough got candid about a powerful psychic moment which she had experienced few years ago.

The show host, who earlier admitted that she experienced “consistent” supernatural abilities from 2017 to 2019, was invited in a recent episode of The Jamie Kern Lima Show.

During the podcast, she recalled about meeting a woman she had only met once during the meditation conference.

“There was this woman who was maybe three or four rows in front of me,” Julianne explained, adding that’s she had a sensorial experience where she was 5-year-old and living in Europe.

“And I started smelling mold, she continued, saying, “I felt my hair was wet and like I was between 3 and 5 years old.”

The 36-year-old host was then convinced that the feeling she was going through was from another person’s perspective instead of hers.

“I felt this massive amount of abandonment from my father, and I was like, ‘This doesn't feel like mine,’” the Dancing With the Stars host said.

The Footloose actress went on to say, “Then, all of a sudden, I stood up, and my heart opened, and my hands literally went behind me, and I was like, ‘Whoa, I feel so loved by my dad.’”

After the vision ended, the actress reconnected with the woman who later confirmed that the childhood memory Julianne had experienced was indeed hers.