Meghan Markle friends react to ‘terrible' boss accusations

Meghan Markle is facing intense scrutiny as former employees label her terrible boss

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Meghan Markle friends react to ‘terrible’ boss accusations
Meghan Markle friends react to ‘terrible’ boss accusations

Meghan Markle friends' reaction has been laid bare after the Duchess landed in trouble over a “staggering staff exodus,” with 18 key employees quitting since 2020.

According to sources, former employees of the Duchess of Sussex find her "terrifying" and "belittling," with some claiming that she is a poor decision-maker and changes mind frequently.

Meanwhile, her husband Prince Harry is seen as an "enabler,” as per report published by The Hollywood Reporter.

“Everyone’s terrified of Meghan,” a source close to duo revealed. “She belittles people, she doesn’t take advice. They’re both poor decision-makers, they change their minds frequently.”

“Harry is a very, very charming person — no airs at all — but he’s very much an enabler. And she’s just terrible,” they added.

Sharing their friends reaction on the allegations, a source told Life & Style, “The feeling among Meghan’s friends is this is a sexist attitude.”

“It rankles her that she’s continually raked over the coals for being tough when a man in her position wouldn’t be,” they added.

The insider went on to say that the ex-staffers simply used Harry and Meghan as “stepping stones” to get ahead in their careers.

“They simply didn’t share the Sussexes’ vision,” added the insider. “Meghan expects a lot out of her employees and has clear ideas of how things should be run.”