Prince Harry wants to host TV show?

Prince Harry's confident and keen display suggests he wants his own TV show, per an expert

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Prince Harry wants to host TV show?

Prince Harry put on an animated display during a tour of Jimmy Fallon’s Tonightmares Halloween haunted maze.

Harry, the Duke of Sussex was genuinely scared by the end of the spooky tour with Fallon, which featured many jump scares from talented actors.

His candid appearance is being praised by fans online. Body Language expert Judi James agrees with fans in that the Duke seemed confident and had fun.

Judi told the Mirror: "There's nothing in his body language that hints 'embarrassed royal' or even 'show guest' as he joins in with the kind of keenness that suggests he'd love to host a show of his own.”

She continued: “He leaps straight in on Fallon here, placing an arm around Fallon's shoulders to register dominance plus the fact that he intends to take the lead and control the jokes rather than being the butt of them.”

“He places his hands on his hips in a confident splay ritual and he even looks straight into the camera in a way mere guests don't usually do,” the expert pointed out.

“Harry's reaction shots are created to guarantee laughs that are not at his expense, but which show he's playing along happily with little in the way of inhibitions showing,” she noted.

She added: “His screeching and shouting are epic and he even holds Fallon's hand as they walk through the maze. Harry will be even more delighted to see he also get the key comedy punch line when he compares one ghoul to Michael Buble, who also happens to be a friend."

Prince Harry’s tour of Tonightmares constituted his appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. He didn’t appear for an interview on the talk show and instead became the first surprise guest to tour the maze.