Prince Harry bashed for throwing attacks at cancer patients

Prince Harry has just been called out for trying to inflict his suffering onto others

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Prince Harry bashed for throwing attacks at cancer patients
Prince Harry bashed for throwing attacks at cancer patients

Prince Harry’s status as Diana’s youngest has just been commented on by an expert who believes he has ‘no right’ to inflict the same on others.

Comments regarding this have been shared by royal commentator Sarah Vine.

She weighed in on everything in one of her comments for The Daily Mail.

In that piece she said, “I always felt desperately sorry, not just for Harry but for William, too, after they lost their mother in such terrible circumstances.”

“And as much as I admire and respect Charles and Camilla, I can see the couple’s behaviour during the difficult years of Charles’s marriage to Diana can’t have been easy for the boys, to put it mildly.”

“Understandably, Harry is a wounded soul. But being in great pain does not confer the right to inflict the same on others – nor by doing so is your own suffering necessarily alleviated. Part of being a grown-up is realising this, and trying to end the cycle of unhappiness rather than perpetuate it.”

“Harry, though, has done the opposite. He has visited a terrible revenge on his father and the Queen, and turned on William and Kate for no obvious reason other than, perhaps, their decision to side with the King.”

“No wonder ¬neither William nor Charles want to see him. In particular, Harry’s behaviour has been utterly toxic in light of the King and the Princess of Wales being treated for cancer. If he really is the kind, thoughtful soul his supporters claim, in his heart he must know this to be true.”