George Clooney calls late Paul Newman 'one of the handsomest guys'

George Clooney recalled turning down a role because he was intimidated by Paul Newman

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George Clooney calls late Paul Newman one of the handsomest guys
George Clooney calls late Paul Newman 'one of the handsomest guys'

George Clooney has undoubtedly established himself as one of the most attractive men in the industry particularly after his 15-year long role of Doug Ross in the hospital dram, ER.

However, the renowned actor has had his moments of insecurity that even led him to pull out of a role that he was offered because Clooney believed that he was not good-looking enough.

This role was none other than the romantic lead of the 2004 famous film, The Notebook. The rom-com starred Ryan Gosling playing the character of Noah in his early years and the late James Garner portrayed the older version of the fictional character.

Originally, Clooney and the late Paul Newman were being cast for the movie to which in a conversation with Deadline, the Wolfs star gave his insights.

“We were going to do The Notebook together. Basically, I was going to play him as a young man, and it was funny. We met and said, ‘This is it. It’s going to be great,’” he said.

But then, Clooney went home and watched the film’s Newman had worked on and became intimidated.

He continued telling the outlet, “He’s one of the handsomest guys you’ve ever seen. We met up [again] and I said, ’I can’t play you. I don’t look anything like you. This is insane.”

“We just wanted to do it because we wanted to work together, [but] it ended up being not the right thing for us to do,” George Clooney concluded.