Meghan Markle spreading like ‘antibiotic resistant strep throat' against Prince Harry

Prince Harry’s lack of star power in front of his wife who has been blowing up like an ‘antibiotic resistant strep throat strain’ exposed

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Meghan Markle spreading like an ‘antibiotic resistant strep throat strain against Prince Harry
Meghan Markle spreading like an ‘antibiotic resistant strep throat strain' against Prince Harry

Prince Harry has just been ridiculed for his time in NYC because just moments after he turned away from the stage his wife Meghan Markle became the reigning bit of news like an “antibiotic resistant strep throat strain.”

Royal commentator Daniela Elser made these comments public regarding the woes Prince Harry is battling when it comes to his public image in the US.

Everything has been noted in her piece for

The piece highlights how “For much of the last week, Harry has been in New York doing his gosh damn darnedest to reclaim his credible philanthropist title by delivering speeches at events for the Diana Awards, the Halo Trust and the Clinton Global Initiative.”

“Surely he would have hoped that days of him standing on stages in suits and saying well-meaning words would have served as some sort of control-alt-Z for his image.”

However, “Rather, we have had a rat-a-tat-tat of such bad publicity Harry should consider investing in a crash helmet.”

In an attempt to “paint” a picture of the events of last, Ms Elser noted how the prince took the stage in NYC to deliver a ‘powerful’ speech about the harms of social media for the Clinton Foundation’s CGI.

However, “only ‘minutes’ later, this triumphant moment was ‘hijacked’ by a nearly comical attempt at crisis management, after a series of recent reports painted Meghan as a Stalin in Stella McCartney.”

Prior to this the ‘dictator in high heels’ comment was what made things “go off the rails”.

All in all, Ms Elser concluded by doubling down on things and said, “I read more royal news than is medically advisable and the amount of actual coverage of Harry’s CGI speech has been limited. Meanwhile, the Meghan-is-a-tyrannical-boss narrative has continued to spread like an antibiotic resistant strain of strep throat.

Even commentator Tom Skyes showcased disappointment over the fact that it took from the prince’s moment. While speaking to The Times he said, “The ridiculously one-sided article … gave the media the perfect opportunity to revive these dormant controversies. Yet again, the melodrama had overtaken the good works”.