Meghan Markle facing reputational insanity with ‘repugnant' attitude

Meghan Markle has just been warned about the implications her Godzilla-like attitude is risking

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Meghan Markle facing reputational insanity with ‘repugnant attitude
Meghan Markle facing reputational insanity with ‘repugnant' attitude

Meghan Markle has just come under fire for the way she’s been dealing with her Godzilla-like attitude.

PR expert and the chair of Reputation Management Consultants Eric Schiffer made these comments public, in his interview with Newsweek.

The expert started by issuing a daring warning for Meghan’s future because this staffing row is slated to completely eclipse “almost anything”.

“It goes to trust now,” he explained. “This is someone who had these allegations, denied them initially, has worked hard to rebuild trust, and now we're hearing from a respected news organisation a pattern of behaviour with employees that's been hidden under a rock, and that's revealing this ugliness that will haunt her.”

All of this is just “reputational insanity,” in the eyes of the expert because “when she already had a problem in the past, for her to want to be seen as a repugnant manager who's orchestrating this kind of reckless environment where she's a Godzilla to employees. It's the last thing she wants as part of her brand.”

“She's going to really need to look at, to the extent this is true, how she's coming across and ensuring she gets it right,” he added before signing off.