Prince Harry reveals emotional ups and downs of parenting

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle welcomed two children including a 5-year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter

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Prince Harry reveals emotional ups and downs of parenting
Prince Harry reveals emotional ups and downs of parenting

Prince Harry opens up about the emotional ups and downs of parenting in a recent event.

On Monday, September 30, the Duke of Sussex, made an appearance at the 2024 WellChild Awards in London.

During his speech at the event, Prince Harry made relatable remarks regarding raising children. 

He began by saying, "The WellChild Awards is an event that never fails to inspire me. The stories of young people who battle against the odds, living lives filled with medical procedures, hospital stays and endless appointments, remind us all of the strength of the human spirit."

Prince Harry continued to appreciate ‘the superhero parents, carers, siblings and professionals’ who work ‘tirelessly and selflessly to ensure these young people have the best lives possible.’

However, he mentioned that he also goes through the ‘emotional rollercoaster’ of parenting as a father of two children including son Prince Archie, 5, and daughter Princess Lilibet, 3 whom he shares with his wife Meghan Markle.

He said, "As a parent, I know a little about the emotional rollercoaster of parenting! But when I hear about the care many of you mums, dads, and family members provide, the level of round-the-clock care you offer, the skills you've had to learn and the battles for support that you fight every single day, I am truly in awe."

It is pertinent to mention that Prince Harry has been a patron of WellChild for past the 16 years and has previously attended the organization's annual awards ceremony 12 times.