Prince Harry recalls the punch to the throat he got from Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle has made her husband Prince Harry feel a punch to his throat

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Prince Harry recalls the punch to the throat he got from Meghan Markle
Prince Harry recalls the punch to the throat he got from Meghan Markle

Experts feel Meghan Markle wound up giving Prince Harry a punch to the throat emotionally, when he first laid eyes on her.

The Prince himself made these admissions in his personal memoir Spare.

It detailed the first moment he saw Meghan’s picture, back in 2016.

According to an excerpt of his book Prince Harry thought, “This woman with Violet, my God”

“ I watched the video several times, then forced myself to put down the phone. Then I picked it up again and watched the video again.”

“I’d traveled the world from top to bottom, literally. For thirty-two years, I’d watched a conveyor belt of faces pass by, and only a handful ever made me look twice.”

“This woman stopped the conveyor belt. This woman smashed the conveyor belt to bits.”

He also added, “I’d never seen anyone so beautiful. Why should beauty feel like a punch in the throat? There was an energy about her, a wild joy and playfulness, and something in the way she smiled. She was confident. Free.”

Before signing off at the time the Duke also said, “I could see that. What a privilege it would be, I thought to join her on that journey.”