Julia Roberts, Eric Roberts cold war turned hot

Sources say Eric’s new memories reignite tensions with sister Julia Roberts

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Julia Roberts, Eric Roberts cold war turned hot
Julia Roberts, Eric Roberts cold war turned hot

Julia Roberts and her older brother Eric already reportedly had an uneasy relationship. Now, his book seems to be stoking a further divide.

The Dark Knight star, in his memoir, Runaway Train: Or, The Story of My Life So Far added claims that sources say are leaving the Oscar winner red-faced.

“Julia is 12 years younger than Eric, and he had already moved out of the house by the time she was in second grade,” a friend of the star told In Touch.

“She says Eric actually knows very little about her and that he used her life to help sell his book is unforgivable — but she won’t tell him so.”

“She would rather never speak to him again!” the source noted.

In the past, Eric had apologized to his younger sister for taking credit for her stardom.

Not only this, he also hit out at her performance in 1989 Steel Magnolias, which led to her first Academy Awards nod.

“Julia was good in Mystic Pizza, great in Pretty Woman, but not so much in Steel Magnolias, in my opinion,” the King of Gypsies star wrote in his book.

“I don’t want to sound like an actor talking, or a jealous sibling, but I don’t think her performance held up in that movie,” he added.