Dakota Johnson racy film caught in controversy

Australian airline apologies for the glitch involving Dakota Johnson movie

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Dakota Johnson racy film caught in controversy
Dakota Johnson racy film caught in controversy

Last year, Dakota Johnson was part of an R-rated film, Daddio. But for some reason, it was played on every screen of an Australian arline.

Qantas Airways has apologized for the incident, calling it a technical glitch during the flight from Sydney to Tokyo last week.

"The movie was clearly not suitable to play for the whole flight, and we sincerely apologise to customers for this experience," the Australian airline spokesperson told News.com.au.

Reports say the passengers were furious because they could not close or pause the movie due to the glitch.

One person who claimed to be on the plane wrote on Reddit, "Here’s the kicker: the movie they played was extremely inappropriate. It featured graphic nudity and a lot of sexting – the kind where you could literally read the texts on screen without needing headphones."

Dakota Johnson racy film caught in controversy

“All screens were changed to a family friendly movie for the rest of the flight, which is our standard practice for the rare cases where individual movie selection isn't possible." the official added. "We are reviewing how the movie was selected."

Daddio, starring Dakota and Sean Penn, was released last year. In it, two characters talk about relationships while going in a cab.