Prince Harry hopes King Charles notices his ‘subtle' nod

Prince Harry pays tribute to King Charles with his latest charitable venture

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Prince Harry has made a subtle nod to King Charles with one of his recent charitable ventures.

The Duke of Sussex, who paid a visit to London before going to Lesotho last week, has shown His Majesty that he still hold him in highest regard.

Speaking about Harry’s token of appreciation to the King and late mother Princess Diana, expert Grant Harold tells Slingo: "Diana was a massive advocate for so many charities, and Harry has been inspired by that. This trip has seen Harry speak about his mother and her legacy and it's definitely a tribute to her. But he's also spoken passionately about climate change, which is a cause close to his father's heart.

"I have no doubt he was honouring his father too. He loves and respects Charles and has a great deal of admiration for him. I think he's wanted to go out there and give a nod of support to his dad and maybe he'll hope that Charles will see this and get behind him."