Matt Damon goes on mission of peace

Sources say Matt Damon is having a hard time making a peace between the two stars

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Matt Damon goes on mission of peace
Matt Damon goes on mission of peace

Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix have not been on talking terms for years. Now, Matt Damon wants to change it.

His motivation, sources say, is the potential these bankable stars would have if they worked together.

Besides money, the other motive of The Martian’s star is to make peace between his friends.

"Matt is thinking about the future, and he's focused on the amazing opportunities that could arise if Joaquin and Casey finally put their beef aside and make up,” a source close to the Oscar winner told In Touch.

But so far, insiders have noted that he has yet to achieve progress in his mission.

“Matt wants to fix this, and he wants to do it soon,” the bird chirped. “But Matt’s fatal flaw is his optimism and even though he had known Joaquin and Casey for 35 years, this isn’t an easy fix.”

“Why now? Matt’s personality has kind of changed since he and Ben started their new studio, Artists Equity," they continued.

"He’s thinking about legacy and he’s all about building bridges and forging new alliances among his peers and colleagues.” 

Casey and Joaquin have been good friends in the past. But seemingly since the latter’s sister divorced him, they haven’t spoken.

“My sister and him divorced,” the Joker star told Vanity Fair in 2019. “And I haven’t spoken directly to him or indirectly in a long time. Three or four years.”

It is relevant to mention here the last project Joaquin and Matt did, which was I’m Still Here.

It was in this movie the Manchester by the Sea star was accused of sexual harassment — which he settled out of court while maintaining innocence — while the Gladiator star said he did not see any harassment during the shoot.