King Charles ‘silly' monarchy is worth it, expert shares why

King Charles talents as the British monarch have been critically analysed

Web Desk

King Charles’ role as the monarch of Britain and other Commonwealth countries has been explained by an expert.

His Majesty, who is seemingly preparing to face an underwhelming response from Australians on his upcoming tour to the country, has been able to justify his role during his Kingship, says an expert.

Writing for Mirror, columnist Fleet Street Fox noted: “Kingship is even sillier than celebrity. Someone without natural talents to elevate them above the herd gets to wear a shiny hat and be treated special. But the difference between Australia and Britain is that we've come to terms with it, and they still don't get the joke. So let's explain.”

“We got rid of Royalty. It led to getting rid of Christmas, theatres, feathers in hats, and all other forms of fun. In its place we got Old Ironsides, gloom, doom, and political princelings. We told Royalty it could come back if it behaved itself. It has. This is what we in the northern hemisphere call 'a win-win,’” noted the expert.

She added in her opinion: “You may think it pathetic that a modern nation expends any energy on the ins-and-outs of a group of privileged idiots with barely a brain cell between them. Well, you could say the same for Neighbours, and add that it is derivative, trite, and past its sell-by date - but you export it to us nevertheless.”

The writer noted: “Yes, Charles once fantasised about being a tampon. But at least he never popped his collar up and cavorted with shop dummies in a badly-lit alleyway, like Paul Robinson did. ICK.”