King Charles attacked in Australia during tour

King Charles has just found himself at the forefront of a major lashing out

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King Charles attacked in Australia during tour
King Charles attacked in Australia during tour

Someone has just lashed out at King Charles during his trip to Australia.

This all happened while the monarch was giving a speech in Australian parliament.

According to GB News, the shouter in question, Victoria Senator, Lidia Thorpe, launched her verbal attack by saying, “you are not my King.”

She also screamed, “Give us that land back,” and told the King “Give us what you stole from us, our boys, their skulls, their babies and people who destroyed our lives,” in an effort to demand a treaty between Australia's First Nations and its government.

“Give us the treaty. We want a treaty in this country. You are a death Solomon. This is not your land. It's not your land,” she ended the rant by saying.

King Charles attacked in Australia during tour

Hello! magazine also offered insight into what the King was feeling during the entire thing, and it appears he was “unruffled” by it all, and even turned to speak to the prime minister and Queen Camilla throughout, hoping it wouldn’t overshadow the “wonderful day” they’ve had up till now.