Nicholas Sparks answers burning questions on his book-to-movie adaptations

Nicholas Sparks spills the beans on favourite book-to-movie adaptation

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Nicholas Sparks answers burning questions on his book-to-movie adaptations
Nicholas Sparks answers burning questions on his book-to-movie adaptations

Nicholas Sparks is opening up about the one book-to-movie adaptation that’s really close to him.

The North Carolina-based author, 58, found A Walk to Remember one that stood out from the rest when it comes to fan favorites. 

“The one I've seen the most is A Walk to Remember,” he said of the 2002 film starring Mandy Moore and Shane West.

Next he found The Notebook to be another “iconic” adaptation with hopes that it will “stand the test of time.”

Sparks touched a little more on the his intention behind penning A Walk To Remember.

“It was interesting, throughout the writing of the novel, I was sure that she[Jamie] was going to pass away, and then when I get to the pages where I have to write it, I'm like, ‘Oh, she's so sweet.’ I just didn't have the heart to write it,” he shared with People.

“So I left it more vague and mysterious that it could have gone both ways,” he added.

He also added how that’s one book-to-movie adaptation that he first introduced to his kids.

“When I had my kids growing up, they hadn't yet read a novel [of mine], and they'd say, ‘Oh, can we see what you do?’ I'd say, ‘I've got the movie for you.’ And I had five kids so I had to sit through multiple viewings of that because I would show that to them again. That movie was great. It just works.” 

The famed author also one of his favourite memories from the sets of A Walk to Remember, revealing that it was largely working with Moore and West. 

“They were so excited,” he said of the young stars. “Mandy was such a nice young lady. At the time, my son was 10 years old, and when he saw Mandy, he thought she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. She was like 17.” 

Sparks also got candid about his son’s role in the movie. “He actually ended up in the final cut of the movie in the little church scene early on in the film,” he told the publication.

“He's one who looks absolutely miserable, and I'm like, ‘You did perfect for singing in church, son. That is exactly how kids look.’ ” 

On a concluding note, the author added that he’s still in contact with West and Moore to this day. “We're still good friends,” he continued.

“It's been great to see where their careers have gone and see what they've done. It's a movie that works on levels that are difficult to understand.”