January 03, 2025
The Quadrantid meteor stream provides one of the most intense annual meteor displays early in every January with a short sharp maximum lasting only a few hours.
Many stargazing guides make reference to this display as being particularly elusive due to this reason. In 2025, it is again taking place.
Viewing circumstances favour North Americans, particularly those living west of the Mississippi this year.
As the meteors actually radiate from the northeast corner of the constellation of Boötes, the Herdsman, so people might expect them to be called the "Boötids”, reported Space.com.
However, earlier in the late 18th century there was a different constellation there called Quadrans Muralis, the "Mural or Wall Quadrant", an astronomical instrument.
It is worth noting that Adolphe Quetelet of Brussels Observatory discovered the shower in the 1830s. Moreover, shortly afterward it was noted by several astronomers in Europe and America.
They were named "Quadrantids". The shower's original moniker continues to this day even though the constellation from which these meteors appear to radiate no longer exists.
A moderately strong display of Quadrantid meteors is likely for North America, particularly over the western half of the continent in 2025.
Maximum activity is expected at around 10am Eastern Time or 7am Pacific Time (1500GMT), according to Margaret Campbell-Brown and Peter Brown in the 2025 edition of the Observer's Handbook of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.