Inside Jennifer Aniston's 'crazy' workout schedule: 'Non-negotiable'

Jennifer Aniston reportedly struggles to make time for her fitness routine in her busy work schedule

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Photo: Inside Jennifer Anistons crazy workout schedule: Non-negotiable
Photo: Inside Jennifer Aniston's 'crazy' workout schedule: 'Non-negotiable'

Jennifer Aniston reportedly takes her fitness very seriously.

According to the latest report of Life & Style, the fitness enthusiast gets up at 3 am in order to make time for her intense work out.

“When Jen is shooting The Morning Show, she often has to be on set as early as 6 a.m. to get in the hair and make-up chair,” a spy mentioned.

The source noted that this “means she needs to be up hours earlier to get her 90-minute workout session in.”

“It sounds totally insane to get up at 3 a.m. to exercise,” the source dished.

The source continued, “But her workouts are non-negotiable and the only way she can fit them in her crazy busy schedules on those days is to do it before she leaves for the set.”

“It’s been a long-time habit to get up before dawn to exercise when she’s shooting because there’s just no telling how long her work days will go,” the source even addressed.

In conclusion, the source mentioned, “She legitimately may not get home until 9 p.m. or even later and getting in a good sweat session at that time of night is next to impossible.”