People's delight in Blake Lively's 'fall from grace' turns into outrage

The delight Hollywood is taking in the downfall of Blake Lively has just been bashed

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Peoples delight in Blake Livelys fall from grace turns into outrage

Hollywood’s efforts to compare and turn Blake Lively into the next Meghan Markle has just been branded ‘appalling’ by an expert coming to their defense.

This expert in question is Ms Daniela Elser and she shared her sentiments in a piece for

This piece of hers claims, “The similarities between the cases of the duchess and Lively are eerie.”

Because “Both have been accused of being manipulative and what could be boiled down to mean girl behaviour. (Both have vigorously denied it).”

“Both also stand accused of trying to steer the narrative. Both women have found themselves being targeted, seemingly overnight, by the baying mob. Both women trigger an irrationally extreme response in many people”.

“And both are the subjects of disproportionate, venomous pile ons that are totally out of kilter with their alleged ‘crimes’.”

Not to mention, “both seem to set people off in a way that says something deeply troubling about gender and power and certain people’s psychological makeup in the new Trump era.”

So in Ms Elser’s eyes, “What is horrible to watch is the pleasure that people are taking in Lively’s fall from celebrity darling status.”

“As with Meghan, the unabashed delight in the supposed unmasking of these women is appalling,” she even went as far as to note before signing off.