March 01, 2025
Some people say the prevalent pitch dark has lasted longer than it should have. But it is there, still pervading the environment with its tortuous exuding. There are also some who believe that this reality may become a permanent feature of our times.
Others believe that this darkness is also impermanent, like other such occurrences, and that it, too, will disappear with time, giving way to a stream of light that will engulf the surroundings, bringing hope of happier, brighter days.
As I write these lines, we stand at the meeting point of two contrasting perceptions: feeling tense in the existent darkness of the moment, but buoyant in the hope that the current times have generated.
This optimism springs from the reality that the only permanence in the world is impermanence as all manifestations are time-bound which will peter away with burgeoning hope for a resurgent tomorrow replacing today’s despondency.
But then, how do we move from this gross, gruesome dark to bask in the glory of light that promises to change things along the trail into the future? How do we banish the attenuating sordidness of the dark to take us into a realm dictated by the hopes, aspirations and faith of the people who have endlessly suffered the ravages engineered by the beneficiary power-wielders? How do we make sure that the times of a savage and forgettable past do not recur in our future? That makes for a mountain of challenges we face treading a course stricken with potholes that could retard our progress.
Such has been the unfortunate fate of this nation that, ever since the founding of the country, it has confronted one set of obstacles or the other. Its growth potential has been held hostage by the people who have traditionally ruled the country and whose inherent interests dictate that they keep holding on to all seats of power beyond the question of its legality or morality. But, let this also be said that, despite the insurmountable nature of the problems faced, the bulk of the people have remained steadfast in the prospect of better times. From physical disasters to man-made upheavals, an undying faith in their destiny has helped them survive the tidal waves of adversities.
From the commencement of their journey as citizens of an independent country, the people have always faced a set of unique challenges. From being deprived of their right to choose their leaders early on, they have gone on to suffer the ravages of frequent martial laws and hybrid concoctions to dictate their fate. Yet the spark of optimism has continued to burn within them to keep lighting up the path in front.
Oscillating between the extremes of hope and despondency, they somehow managed to hold on to their sane faculties to maintain their equilibrium and balance. This alone is a testament to an ample stock of courage and resilience that the people had stored within them which helped them survive excruciatingly difficult times they encountered throughout their journey since those early days in 1947.
While their lives suffered incessantly from ups and downs, they also had to undergo some uniquely demeaning references as ‘traitors’: whenever they acted in a manner that did not suit the weird whims and fancies of the rulers, they were quickly labelled as ‘enemies’ working against the interests of the state.
Some of the internationally acclaimed intellectuals and luminaries had to endure prolonged incarcerations for hatching ‘plots’ against the government of the time, thus also the state. It is in such situations that the distinction between the state and the government disintegrated. Thus, a protest staged against the policies of the incumbent rulers would be misconstrued as an act against the country, thus deserving the severest of punishment.
Along with a host of others, Faiz Ahmad Faiz was one such intellectual who suffered the excesses of the governments throughout his life. The pain this humiliating treatment must have caused would be indescribable in words. Nevertheless, he scribbled many a masterpiece describing his sufferance as also of his friends and comrades. Here are a few lines from one of his masterful poems:
“It was us whose attire/ Was blackened by the wayside./ These stains became the treasure/ We carried to the court of the beloved./ What use are the rope and the gallows/ When craving for fidelity is no more./ And the ones proud of the sin of love,/ Those guilty of it are no more.”
These times of the past have been incessantly replicated, the only difference been the titles of reference. Yesterday’s traitors are today’s digital terrorists. The net effect is the same: people are forced to remain silent through the use of the state machinery in all its terror, cruelty and ferocity. This has been done with a brazenness which is unprecedented even in the grossly chequered history of Pakistan.
While suppression may help abate a problem for a while, the deeply ingrained sentiment for freedom refuses to be conquered. It keeps surging back with increased spirit and passion every time there is an effort to curb it. This could not be truer than in the current times. Buried under the weight of state oppression, people have displayed remarkable resilience to keep bouncing back with renewed zeal and energy. This has elevated the human struggle seeking freedom to a different level which could not be anticipated in the past. It is Faiz sahib again:
“If my ink and pen are taken away, grieve I shall not/ For my fingers shall drip in the blood of my heart./ If my tongue is sealed, complain I shall not/ For the links of every chain shall recite my words of rebellion.”
Like I said earlier, we stand at the meeting point of two contrasting perceptions. In times gone by, the traditionalists would always emerge victorious operating in an excruciatingly controlled environment. That has changed. With the advent of social media enhancing awareness and sharpening sensitivities, the prospect of total control has all but waned.
Notwithstanding the strictures of the state, avenues are now available to carry forth the feelings and aspirations of a deprived people to all corners of the world. This is the new battleground which the power wielders are trying to sabotage through adopting self-protecting legislation and controlling judiciary. But this does not appear to be working.
We have gone past the prospect of settling matters through the use of the draconian state power. The path of light cannot be blocked indefinitely. It will always filter through. With time, these tiny crevices shall become beacons spreading light all around. That is when dark shall be but an illusion.
Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed in this piece are the writer's own and don't necessarily reflect's editorial policy.
The writer is a political and security strategist and the founder of the Regional Peace Institute. He is a former special assistant to former PM Imran Khan and heads the PTI’s policy think-tank. He tweets @RaoofHasan
Originally published in The News