Meghan Markle's Netflix show sparks anguish: ‘Want the sweet release of death'

Meghan Markle sparks waves of confusion after ‘With Love, Meghan’ bags another season

Web Desk
Meghan Markles Netflix show sparks anguish: ‘Want the sweet release of death
Meghan Markle's Netflix show sparks anguish: ‘Want the sweet release of death'

Meghan Markle’s new show has sparked a frenzy of emotions in the hearts of experts who not only question why they watched With Love, Meghan, but also hail her for convincing Netflix to pay money for this.

Feature writer Guy Kelly made these comments in one of his most recent pieces for The Telegraph.

He started the conversation by noting all the emotions and feelings that followed after watching the eight episodes of With Love, Meghan which the Duchess claims “you too could fill your days with”.

Because “A part of me wished for the sweet release of death, of course,” at the time.

But “another part of me radiated with unbridled respect for a woman who’s managed to convince Netflix to spend tens of millions of dollars on her cookery and lifestyle tips show, despite her primary talent in this area appearing to be ‘likes assembling things’,” Mr Kelly also noted.

He also admitted that, “The whole thing is a bold pitch: no matter how you’ve viewed the nine years since Meghan transitioned from minor TV actress to front-page fixture – whether you’re team pity, team despair or team couldn’t care – one thing nobody has ever thought is: ‘Now there’s a woman who seems to make brilliant life decisions’.”

But still “And yet here we are, with over four hours of domestic tips that will, if you’re anything like me, change your life. At the very least, they’ll make you question every decision that led you to watching it,” he also added near the end.