Meghan Markle's Netflix crew step forward with their accounts of her behavior

Meghan Markle’s behavior has been revealed for the second time

Web Desk
Meghan Markles Netflix crew step forward with their accounts of her behavior
Meghan Markle's Netflix crew step forward with their accounts of her behavior

The crew members that shot With Love, Meghan have just stepped forward to reveal how she behaved throughout the entire thing.

The first admission has been shared by the director of the show, and he described the Duchess as “friendly” and hailed her for creating a “comfortable environment,” in his interview with People magazine.

He was also quoted saying, “Meghan as a person is totally L.A., California, through and through. Her relationship with the crew became really tight fairly quickly. She has an understanding of what it means to be on set and she connected with the crew more than anyone.”

The second admission came from an anonymous crew member and they admitted, “Most of the time, we're expected to fade into the background, to be invisible. But in this show, we were part of it. We were included. It was a very unique and refreshing experience.”

That was not all either because on days that the “forecast called for it to be particularly hot” “she had a shaved ice truck for us at lunch”, they also noted before concluding the chat as a whole.