March 16, 2025
Megan Stalter does not plan on giving type 2 diabetes drug Ozempic a try.
The Hacks star, 34, made an appearance in a recent episode of Grindr Presents: Who’s The A*****? with Katya podcast where the topic of side effects of the Hollywood favourite injectables took centre stage.
During the podcast, Stalter was asked what she thinks about people who "lie about using Ozempic." The actress responded saying she finds such people to be fooling themselves if they think they can hide their use of the drug.
"Let's just say the trips to the bathroom would say otherwise, okay? We know if you're on it because you're s******* your pants," she said. "How is that hotter than being fat? That is insane to me. That is crazy."
"I would rather be 500 lbs. than s******* all day. That's so gross," the comedian added.
While these drugs are intended to treat diabetes, kidney disease, or obesity, they have also been controversially adopted as weight loss drugs, per the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
A common early side effect of Ozempic, per the manufacturer's website, can be diarrhea. Constipation, nausea, and stomach pain are also listed as other possible side effects.