Jaime King's custody battle with ex-husband Kyle Newman concludes

Jaime King shares sons James, 11, and Leo, 9, with ex-husband Kyle Newman

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Jaime Kings custody battle with ex-husband Kyle Newman concludes
Jaime King's custody battle with ex-husband Kyle Newman concludes

Jaime King's ex-husband Kyle Newman has won the sole physical custody of their sons.

The verdict comes along with orders for Jamie to attend a six-month rehab program.

Per the court documents, while James, 11, and Leo, 9, will primarily live with their dad, both exes will share the legal custody of the kids, People Magazine reported.

Meanwhile, King has been allowed visitation rights--meaning she can see her sons three days a week in specific hour blocks but under the supervision of either the actress' mother, sister, brother-in-law, or Newman's brother Kevin.

King can only have supervised visitation as she has not completed a 6-month drug/alcohol program, with weekly testing, aftercare, and a 2-step program; a 26-week parenting program; individual counseling to address case issues; and conjoint counseling with minors, when the minors' therapist deems it appropriate.

This isn't the first custody battle between the exes as King previously filed an emergency request to change their spousal and child support agreement.

At the time, King allegedly lacked "the ability to pay the support” and asked for the court to end the spousal support agreement the couple filed in April 2022.

In response to King’s filing, Newman claimed in his own filing that the actress had “been out of compliance with the court’s child and spousal support orders for well over a year.”

King filed for divorce from Newman in May 2020 after 13 years of marriage along with a domestic violence prevention petition and an emergency motion related to child custody and visitation.