Rahul Gandhi congratulates Nawaz Sharif on election win

LAHORE: Vice President of the Indian National Congress, Rahul Gandi called PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday. Rahul congratulated Nawaz on his parties win in the general elections and expressed...

Rahul Gandhi congratulates Nawaz Sharif on election win
LAHORE: Vice President of the Indian National Congress, Rahul Gandi called PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday.

Rahul congratulated Nawaz on his parties win in the general elections and expressed hope that the PML-N chief would improve relations between India and Pakistan. Nawaz told Rahul that Pakistan and India would resolve their issues through dialogue.

Earlier, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declined Nawaz Sharif’s invitation to attend the oath-taking ceremony of the prime minister. According to the India media, government sources confirmed that it was unlikely that Singh would be visiting Pakistan.