Lahore flour price hikes highest ever

LAHORE: The price of the basic essential item like flour has ballooned to the highest ever in the history much to the disappoint of the Lahorites who had pinned great hopes with the new government...

Lahore flour price hikes highest ever
LAHORE: The price of the basic essential item like flour has ballooned to the highest ever in the history much to the disappoint of the Lahorites who had pinned great hopes with the new government for some relief and respite from the grinding hyper-inflation, Geo News reported Sunday.

The citizens said that bread being the most essential item for keeping oneself alive the rulers rolling in luxuries should at least have controlled its price to make their life somewhat bearable, but belying all hopes the price of chakki flour has shot up to Rs46 per kilo from Rs37.

Retailers attributed the sudden surge in prices to phenomenal increase in power tariffs and petroleum products’ prices, while the consumers appear highly frustrated with these new developments quite contrary to the promises made by the ruling party for whom they had wholeheartedly rallied round hoping for a better future.

The bread, which was selling at Rs6 per piece now available at Rs8 much beyond the reach of most of the poor wage earners who with their families are forced to sleep hungry or half fed these days.

Experts said that a country like Pakistan, which is basically an agricultural country such a deficiency in food item was nothing but a total failure of the policy makers.