Conspiracies against Parliament to die down: Mushahidullah

ISLAMABAD: Information Secretary Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Senator Mushahidullah Khan on Thursday expressed firm belief that all conspiracies against democracy and Parliament will die down and so...

Conspiracies against Parliament to die down: Mushahidullah
ISLAMABAD: Information Secretary Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Senator Mushahidullah Khan on Thursday expressed firm belief that all conspiracies against democracy and Parliament will die down and so called champions of revolution and independence will have to eat dust.

Addressing joint sitting of the Parliament, Mushahidullah said both Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri are carrying forward the hidden agenda of their foreign masters to ruin country’s economy and are misguiding innocent people in the name of new Pakistan and a revolution.

“Today the entire Parliament is united for its supremacy and democracy despite all of political differences and it is a clear message for all those conspiring against parliament and democracy,” he said.

Peeping through the corridors of history he said, “Despite the dictators hanged or killed political leaders they remained alive in the form their followers and parties. But dictators have been forgotten way back. Today once again conspiracies are being hatched against the parliament and democracy openly or secretly. But the conspirators must know that they have to fail. The parliament will remain and we shall not allow anybody to malign it or wind it up.”

He said, “Sit-in and protests are an eye wash as there is a hidden agenda of these two leaders who have understood the Parliament as a cricket ground.”

The Senator said if every institution of the country starts working within their constitutional jurisdiction there will be no problem in the country. If columnists will start politicking and politicians will start writing article and if other institutions will start conspiring against democracy it will worsen the situation.

He said these so called leaders should learn a lesson from history and understand that whenever any force conspired against democracy parliament and politicians all these emerged again and survived. He alleged that today Tahirul Qadri is inciting innocent people in the name of Model Town killing. “But I say that whenever a genuine investigation of that incident will be held Qadri himself will be found involved in the incident because it was part of the plan to derail democracy.”

He said, “People have rejected the demands of Imran Khan regarding non payment of bills civil disobedience and submission of remittances through Hundi and for this we salute Pakistanis living within the country and abroad.”

Mushahid said both Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri have received money for all this drama for their foreign masters and its plan was chalked out at secret meetings within the country and abroad.

He also objected language used at sit in and said what message they are sending to youth of this country. They are victims of their ambitions and are least bothered that they have caused Rs 1000 billion loss to national economy.

Leaders reconcile to reach the solutions of problems but these both neither try to understand country s situation nor caring for any ethics in their speeches. But their focus was to ruin the economy and hamper visit of Chinese President wherein the agreements of billions of dollars were to be signed, he added.