Who will attend Prince Harry's A-list birthday party amid celebrity distance?

Kinsey Schofield discussed the growing distance of A-list celebrities from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ahead of his birthday

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Who will attend Prince Harry's A-list birthday party amid celebrity distance?

Kinsey Schofield discussed recent reports of Meghan Markle planning a A-list party for Prince Harry's 40th birthday.

In an interview on Sky News Australia, Schofield highlighted the distance of A-list celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, and Serena Williams from the Sussexes, remarking, "when i hear A listers i am thinking truly really truly who will be there?"

She humorously suggested "Kris Jenner would show up where ever there's booze, so maybe she will be there" prompting laughter from host Rita Pahani.